The problem with the modern work environment is that it is usually populated by practising politicians, and more often than not ruled by pocket dictators. When it comes to attention-seeking the general rule of thumb is 'whoever shouts the loudest gets the most'. And in the work environment attention is critical to advancement.
Think about this for a minute: If it wasn't for Adam's decision to willingly eat of the Tree we wouldn't have to work in order to eat [see Genesis 3:19] . Imagine what a different place this would be if this was not the case - we could get on with the more important things, like relationships, and really getting to know our Creator.
Think about this for a minute: If it wasn't for Adam's decision to willingly eat of the Tree we wouldn't have to work in order to eat [see Genesis 3:19] . Imagine what a different place this would be if this was not the case - we could get on with the more important things, like relationships, and really getting to know our Creator.
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