Feb 13, 2008

That was a bit off.....

Hey, this time it looks different! I can enter a title and then just update the text by typing. Goodliness only......

I would really like to take this opportunity to say something of great import - something that will change the lives of my readers [if any] if they merely happened to read what I write - but I can't think of anything, except for this:

God made everything

He made the rules

If we don't play by His rules we will spend an eternity in Hell


There is only One Way to make right with God and.....

He provided this Way because.......

He knows the stubbornness of our hearts


  1. Realise that you are a sinner
  2. Accept the fact that you will burn in Hell for this
  3. Know that Jesus took your punishment on Himself on the cross so you don't have to burn
  4. Accept Jesus into your heart
  5. Confess your sin to Him
  6. He is now part of your life

You must read the Bible [try to get hold of a New King James, for safety's sake] - it will open up your mind because when Jesus comes into your heart your spirit is awakened [this is what being 'Born Again' actually means] and you will see and learn things in a different way.

If you need more info / would like say something send me an email by clicking here.

Be blessed.......

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