Nov 19, 2007

Radio Stations or Who has the Power???

This is another dig at the music industry - a sitting duck if ever there was one.

I heard a comment on SA Idols recently - something about the most popular music is determined by the buying public. Now this is [if you think about it for half a minute] a totally misleading statement. [In fact it's a load of crud!].

Why do I say this?

The radio stations will tell you that they play what the public wants, and that the 'playlists' they base their programs on are garnered from 'sales' stats gathered from a select number of music vendors ie. the dj's are given lists of songs / artists that they must adhere to while on air and strict guidelines regarding these are enforced. Deviations from the playlists are severely frowned upon, so their hands are tied [unless they don't mind losing their jobs].

Now it is quite obvious that the 'buying public' will only buy what they hear, so in fact, by slanting the choice of music the radio stations determine what is bought, not the other way around. It's a joke. The radio stations, not the vendors push the music on the public, then their marketing statisticians collect info on what was sold and, wonder of wonders, it's closely matches the playlists that have been foisted on the public over the past 8-16 weeks.

Only certain artists / types of music are allowed on the A-list and who knows what goes on in dark back rooms / alleyways / conference rooms / hotel rooms in the fight to make it onto this list!

This close-fisted, tightly controlled parody of what the music industry could be was instrumental in the emergence of the indie labels in the late '80's and '90's. They saw the light, and it was not good!

The base fact is that the buying public would change their buying patterns if they were exposed to a better [by this I mean broader] selection of music on radio and TV.

My question is simple: Who determines what ends up on the playlists? [ie. who decides who makes it onto the A-list].

My request is equally simple: Let the buying public actually have a real say in what they hear on radio and TV. Use the internet as a means to allow the buying public real choice for a change. It will change the industry world-wide. It would also take a large measure of control away from those who control the industry today, and they don't want this. At all. No more gravy train - and they might actually have to work for a change.

Like I said - It's a joke, and we're paying for it by having to suffer through [literally] mindless crud on music radio and TV all day. That's why I don't listen to the radio or watch music TV anymore. I get to choose my own playlists. I make my own destiny!

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The Music Industry = Suit City

Having being involved in the South African music industry for over 20 years it is my sound conviction [excuse the pun] that it is run by a bunch of money-grubbing suits who's only interest are their own back pockets.

Why do I say this?

As an example: There is a man who goes by the name of Mr. Eric Gallo - yes, he of Gallo Records fame. He was extremely wealthy - I mean with REALLY deep pockets. He worked wonders for the industry during his time and under his direction a great many unknown talents were discovered. This was good.

The questions we must ask now are:
  • What happened to them?
  • Where did their careers lead them?
  • Where are those artists now?????
  • What musical black hole swallowed them up?
The real question is: What did the record company do for them that might provide a sustainable income, and thereby ensure that we still enjoy their art today?

It would be interesting to see a comparison between what the record companies make out of a particular artist and what the artist himself goes home with at the end of the day. Tragic.

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Nov 14, 2007


A college professor once said,''There are no absolutes.''. While this shows remarkable self-confidence and personal conviction I fear that he has missed the mark by a significant margin.

You see, the problem is that most things you come across in this world are relative. Even truth is relative, depending on your viewpoint, and for some this is important, otherwise how could they justify their actions / thoughts with any degree of success?

The problem here is that the professor making the statement has a different world view to mine. I know there is such a thing as Absolute Truth ie. Truth that does not waver, or change with the times, or adapt Itself to modern thinking - Truth that stays constant and consistent regardless of situation and / or circumstances. I feel sorry for those who do not know this Truth, because their 'absolute' world-view clouds their vision just enough to obscure the Real.

My reply to him would be;''Are you Absolutely sure?''. I wonder what he would say..........

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Oct 29, 2007

eConfig error messages


Download and install the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine. This file is extremely hard to locate due to legal wrangling between SUN and Microsoft, and support for it is only available until Dec 2007, but it is available if you google long enough. Or just get it [here]. eConfig dependence on the MSJVM will no doubt be addressed by those responsible for it's ongoing development.

'Failed to register with selling chain'


1. Open up Control Panel / Add Remove Programs
2. Uninstall DAO
3. Find and delete C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO folder
4. Open C:\econfig
5. Double-click ecsys.exe

If you get this message:

'Invalid pointer'

Restart your computer

1. Open C:\econfig
2. Double-click ecsys.exe

Follow instructions - you may have to reboot once or twice. After this eConfig should work fine.

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Initial eConfig setup

To install eConfig you need to have an IBM PartnerWorld login name and password. This is only available to IBM employees and members of their Business Partner community.


This application can be troublesome when installing eConfig on a new roll-out. The process goes as follows:

1. Verify your java install here.
2. Download and install java version 1.4.2 [recommended]. Having experienced problems even with later versions I would suggest you install this version. It will not interfere with your current installed versions.
3. Go to the epadm site here.
4. Download epadmpre.exe and run it. The file itself can be downloaded from the IBM site but there have been times when the download just will not complete. Here is the file if you need it: [epadmpre.exe].

Once java is installed [and verified], and you have activated epadmpre you can proceed to the eConfig site here and make your selections for the download. Once this is done the application will download all necessary files and install eConfig automatically.

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eConfig setup Intro

I have had issues with installing and running eConfig and consequently discovered that there is not a lot of help out there. Hence this page. Hopefully it will make someones life a little easier should they encounter similar problems. To find some of these solutions I had to dig really deep [sometimes to the extent of Google-translating Chinese websites], and as you can see, the solutions are usually very simple.

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ThinkPad T60 clean install

Please note: If you are planning to dual-boot Linux and WinXX then please install Windoze first - unless you like playing around with MBR recovery procedures [not documented here!] or reinstalling. Linux is designed for interoperability, and Windoze simply isn't.

Linux install

Lenovo are showing some support for Linux on their website with details on installing, Linux compatibility etc. although they only cover a few specific distributions. For more info:

* Go to the site:
* Click on Downloads and Drivers
* In the left pane Click on Operating System Installation
* Enter the machine type in the fast-path field on the right

ThinkPad Buttons in Linux:


* Install cd for your distro of choice
* BIOS settings must allow booting from cd prior to harddrive


* Place cd in the drive - you will have to switch the machine on and get the cd in before the TP passes the initial ThinkVantage splash screen. If you don't get it in in time the system will go into the boot phase and boot directly from the harddrive
* Read and follow any instructions on the screen

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Jul 9, 2007

How does Larry O'Hanlon know this???

Have a look at this page:

Discovery Channel :: News - Space :: Black Hole Is Most Distant Ever Found

In the first sentence Larry assumes that because the black hole is the most distant it must be the earliest one. This might be true if his second assumption [that we can see all of the universe from Earth] was correct. All this in the first sentence. Is this not being a little too self-assured?

He notes later on that "The greater the red-shift, the greater the distance."! See these links for a scientific look at red shift theory: and [there are many such pages].

Unfortunately this sort of blind assumption of unproven facts is all too often where modern 'scientists' [and 'science' reporters / journalists??] go terribly wrong....

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Jun 11, 2007

Importing Contacts into a Lotus Notes Address Book using vCard files

If you have an Address Book which can export Contacts in vCard format:

  • Open your Address Book
  • Select the relevant Contacts
  • Click on Export [select vCard format]
  • Give the file a name

In Notes:

  • Open the Address Book you want to add the Contacts to
  • Click on File
  • Click on Import
  • Select the relevant vCard file
  • Click OK.

That's it.

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May 21, 2007


The problem with the modern work environment is that it is usually populated by practising politicians, and more often than not ruled by pocket dictators. When it comes to attention-seeking the general rule of thumb is 'whoever shouts the loudest gets the most'. And in the work environment attention is critical to advancement.

Think about this for a minute: If it wasn't for Adam's decision to willingly eat of the Tree we wouldn't have to work in order to eat [see Genesis 3:19] . Imagine what a different place this would be if this was not the case - we could get on with the more important things, like relationships, and really getting to know our Creator.

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The old saying "If you pay peanuts you get monkeys" is one incredible generalisation. It is much closer to the truth stated this way,"You get what you pay for". To give you an example: We have three subjects, all performing EXACTLY the same function; Employee No. 1 is paid a meagre wage, Employee No. 2 is moderately paid and Employee No. 3 is paid well for extra effort.

Question: When it becomes apparent that someone needs to stay in the office and work at night which one would be the most likely to comply? Easy isn't it. Now the question is; Which would you rather have working for you? The answer may change your future..............

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Moving or migrating emails, To Do's and Calendar entries from one Lotus Notes mail file to another

If your Lotus Notes mail file has become corrupted one solution is to create a new one on the mail-server. This is typically done by your sys-admin and may take some time [and arm-twisting]. Once the file has been created first open the Replication tab and unselect the tick-mark next to the old mail-file then open the new file in the Workspace page and replicate to create a local copy [from which you will work].

You will notice that none of the emails, To Do's or Calendar entries are there, these have to be moved from your old mail file to the new before you can access them. I believe this can be done using Lotus scripts, but there is a more immediately practical method to get them into your new mail file. Proceed as follows:
  1. Open both the old and new mail Inboxes
  2. In the old file select emails you want to show in the new mail file
  3. Right-click on one and select 'Copy'
  4. Go to the new file
  5. Right-click in the empty space in the Inbox
  6. Select 'Paste'
All the emails you copied will appear in your new Inbox.

Do the same for your To Do list and Calendar entries, but for the Calendar select the 'All Calendar Entries' tab where you can paste all selected items at once.

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Evolution is a belief system

If you believe anything that cannot be proven you are basing your belief on faith. Both Creationists and Evolutionists find themselves in this predicament because neither 'theory' can be empirically proven nor disproven. The proponents of both theories 'believe' they are right without any real, physical proof - hence both are belief systems in the truest sense of the word.

The Theory of Evolution is based purely on assumptions based on sketchy circumstantial evidence while the Theory of Creation is based on what the Bible says. The two are mutually exclusive. To base your beliefs on evidence which could be shot down by any hick lawyer in a court of law is a big ask.

Given that the Big Bang Theory is correct [it has been disproven], Cosmology has shown that there has not been enough time for evolution to have run it's course ie. the amount of time required for us to have developed to our current level by evolving far exceeds the age of the universe.

The Creation story in the Bible on the other hand fits in with what scientists have discovered about the makeup and workings of the universe as we know it. This cannot be explained away.

The choice is up to you - and you have to choose as choosing neither leaves you somewhere in the middle of..............nowhere?

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What God has put together.......

'What God has put together let not man put asunder.' These words from the marriage vows are quoted at almost every wedding, and the couple to be married are enjoined to love each other 'in sickness and in health etc 'til death us do part'. Looking at the divorce rate I've been wondering what's wrong with this picture, but I think I now have a handle on the cause of the problem: The would be partners might NOT have been brought together by God. If this is the case with most marriages then no wonder the divorce rate is what it is.

Marriage is held by God to be sacred. He has given us comprehensive advice on how to make it work, but the underlying premise in scripture is that He MUST be the one to bring together the relevant parties. Without this happening the marriage is in trouble before it is ever formalised.

The thinking today leans towards the idea that we can't really know what we want, or what type of person would make a good mate without gaining some form of experience through having relationships with a number of people. While this may sound like uncommon good sense to some it is never a good idea as we become emotionally entangled with other people on various levels. These entanglements become baggage that we carry with us into the future - they encumber us and place subtle limitations on our interactions with others, especially our significant others, and who knows what damage they can do.

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